Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DAILY DOSE OF 'PHOBE: Spotlight on O'Reilly

Oh really, O'Reilly?

So, to celebrate St. Pat's day a whole month early (why not?) I decided I'd post a video of my least favorite Irish person saying the dumbest, most angering things he could ever say, in my point of view.

This video is a few years old, but it still is one of the few videos on YouTube/moments on TV that leave me truly speechless, because I know once I start screaming about it, I won't stop. So, I'll leave the arguing and screaming and ranting all up to you guys!

DISCLAIMER: Billy-boy here in no way shape or form represents the view of all/any people of Irish ethnicity. I know this because I've dated a few (and yeah, it was an 'inapprorpiate' same-sex relationship:)

Enjoy the fuel for your fires:


  1. Not sure I can read watch it Theo. This guy incenses me. I want to remove his vocal cords. After all, there's nothing in his head but bigotry.

  2. Naomi - just a saucepan? Not to one up you but I've got this lovely image in my head of an acoustic electric guitar being shattered over his head, while I smoothly sip my starbucks coffee. How Oh So liberal of me.
