Thursday, February 5, 2009

SPEAK OUT ACT NOW: Christian Anti-Defamation League, aka CADL, aka Cattle?)

Ok, I know, it's been a while.
But I'm coming back, and I am bringing a bang.

Here's the background story, in case I loose you:

So, I went to this site, and let me tell you, it is suspicious. Just to read an article I had to register! So, of course, I did, because I wasn't going to let that stop me from seeing what they had to say.

And, boy, what they had to say!

Here's a copy of their article called "Obama's Dangerous Hate Crime Agenda ":
(I bolded all the good stuff)

"Within moments of Barack Hussein Obama, the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, being sworn in as the President of the United States, the White House's website was updated. It showed that President Obama is strongly in favor of hate crimes legislation and will work to see it passed. Hate Crimes will silence Christians and keep them from fulfilling their duty to God to proclaim the truth!
As a State Senator, Obama helped pass hate crimes legislation in Illinois. On his White House website Obama shows that he is determined to pass the most pro-homosexual, free-speech destroying legislation ever to come before Congress, including expanded hate crime laws, and legal "support for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender) community."

WHOA - Let me stop right there. I'm breaking this down in bullets:

  • Do we REALLY have to use the middle name? You have to go there? Within seconds, their maturity level has sunk to fifth grade status.
  • "The Most Liberal" - instantly inaccurate. He is probably the farthest from. Not only are you lying, but your sores from losing are showing. Get a bandage for it, get over it, TELL THE TRUTH!

  • This is my favorite. This quote will be the topic of the next few bullets:
    "Hate Crimes will silence Christians and keep them from fulfilling their duty to God to proclaim the truth!"

  • Now, shall I make an indented numbered list of whats wrong with that statement? I shall. In fact, I'll talk to you like you are a 5th grader:
    1. Hate Crimes are bad things. I don't know if you've realized this. But you should.
    It's got that H word in it. Hate. That is the opposite of Love. Thats right. That L Word that Jesus liked so much. No, I'm not talking about the show on showtime. I wish it was as trivial as that. No, this L word is a big deal. It's kind of what the Messiah spoke about his entire life. Love, love, love. Love is good. Hate? No, Jesus didn't like hate.
    2. It also has this C word in it. Crime. Say it with me. Crime. Do you know what a crime is? Why, it is something a criminal does. It is something bad, and against the law. This could be the law of the government, or of the church. Now, these two laws, they are two seperate things. For example, in 30 AD, the government thought Jesus was a criminal, but the church knew he was a savior. Then, the church though Gaileo was a criminal for thinking the Earth goes around the Sun, and it turns out they were wrong. See, they are different, because some people have one religion but a different government, or vice versa. I'll explain more on this. But, whether its religious law or legal law, crime is also bad.
    3. Thus, you have a Hate Crime. When you combine the words, specifically what the government is saying is: You cannot commit a hate crime, aka, a Crime because you Hate someone. More specifically, you cannot hurt a person just because of a bias, like the color of their skin, their gender, their nationality, their religion, their gender identity, or their sexual preference. Hate crimes are usually acts of violence against innocent people who are discriminated against for these reasons by someone who is very biased, or in other words, has a lot of hate towards a kind of people, enough to hurt them in a crime.
    4. The President wants to fix this, and make it wrong to hurt people. He won't be silencing anyone, just protecting. In fact, if he DIDN'T do this, he would be silencing the people who would have to live in fear of these people who do hate crimes, or maybe even silencing them by making it ok to hurt them until they can't talk anymore.
    5. What Would Jesus Do? Now, I wouldn't call myself an expert on this stuff, but I'm pretty sure the Bible doesn't want you to hurt people. The Bible wants you to help people and love people. So, wouldn't this be the RIGHT thing to do? By protecting people with this new law? Its a religious law too, not to hurt people. What's wrong with making it a legal one, so everyone follows it?
    Do you get it? Good. Class dismissed.

  • Back to adult talk. "...the most pro-homosexual, free-speech destroying legislation"? You idiots, it isn't giving anyone any priviledges! It is giving UNALIENABLE RIGHTS. The right to LIVE without getting your teeth kicked in! The right to be yourself without being MURDERED for BIAS! It destroys NO speech - except the filthy mouth you might talk to a child in. YES, YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO CALL A CHILD OR A STUDENT OR EMPLOYEE A FAGGOT. YOU SHOULDN'T BE DOING THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

"The only reason that we do not already have Federal Hate Crime Law is because of President George W. Bush's veto. President Obama has pledged to sign Hate Crime Legislation if it reaches his desk. We must stop the legislation before President Obama can sign it!"

LOOK: This is not a game, CADL. This isn't a session of Chess, and you aren't losing a Rook here. These are people's LIVES at stake, ok? Whether you think they are abomination or not, they are GOD'S CHILDREN just like you, just like me, just like everyone else in this world. Just like the Saints and Apostles themselves.
President Obama is not giving them any more priviledge or anymore right then he would give a minority race, a foriegn ethnicity, or a RELIGION which also suffers attacks. If you are not willing to help pass legistlation to STOP the HATE and the crime, you are supporting the act of violence.
Don't you see?
Every dollar you spend, every effort you put forward to stop this legistlation from passing is another fist in someones jaw, another foot in a teenager's mouth, another hateful word in the ears of a child, confused like a lost lamb.
Whether homosexual and transgender lifestyles are right or wrong, they are still people who come from the same creator.
Think about the Good Samaritan, think about the shepard's lost lamb, the prodigal son, the story of Paul/Saul, so many stories of people who get lost and abused but are given the chance to return and live life once again. This law could be their chance to live, perhaps a different lifestyle, perhaps a similar but more grateful one.
Think about it.

I am... out of words.



  1. You're preaching to the choir dear. I grew up in a community that believed these things. =/

  2. Fantatic beyond words Theo.

  3. Fanatic? is that a good thing?

  4. I prefer "Fantastic" - couldn't have said any of that better myself.

  5. Haha that's what I thought but I wasn't sure. Thanks Naomi!
