Sunday, February 22, 2009

Whether Accident or Intentional

[My first sonnet! I think you can call it that. My english professor always says writing free formed poems is like painting abstract - it doesn't mean you're a good artist, but it doesn't make you a bad one. Plenty of people say, "oh, I don't do realism, I paint abstract" when the truth is, they just can't. If you can paint the hard way, or write in a traditional form, you'll have a better knack for easy going open verse forms, and you'll actually be doing something when you paint abstract! What do you think? -Theo]


What do you do when you wound animals?
Whether accident or intentional.
Do you bring to it a swifter short end?
Or wait and let it walk until its dead?
How can you put it out of misery?
Do you know its capacity to survive?
Since miracles happen so constantly
Yet it’d be sin to let the ‘thing’ just die.
You have in one way, or several others,
Ruined our chance of being together.
Will we walk down aisles until we die?
Or will I quit, Bringing a swift quick end?
Whether Accident or Intentional
We are two wounded animals.

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